Thursday, February 4, 2010

Positive Brainwashing

By Cornelis Boertjens, Creator of Vision Boards

Brainwashing is a term perceived in a negative way by most people. But you know what, I think our brains could actually do with a bit of a washing sometimes!

You see, everyone comes into this world with a clear mind, and a belief that everything is possible. All is positive and well. Remember as a child, you could do and become everything, without any boundaries!

As we grow up however, we pick up beliefs, fears and limitations from our surroundings and peers that gradually form the person we are today. A lot of these beliefs unfortunately are negative and as we build our lives they limit us in our actions and being. Very often they therefore contribute to unhappiness or feeling unfulfilled in our lives and business.

It can be the smallest -- seemingly harmless -- remark from a mother like "just let me handle that, you are no good at that" that can convince you that you are not good at a certain task. A teacher who calls a pupil "the clumsy one" can do more harm with this remark than he realizes when repeated often enough. With every remark the belief is harnessed further in the child that it indeed is clumsy. Even though a remark is said with a smile or with the intend to be funny, it still leaves a legacy in the belief system.

This programming of course doesn’t stop at adulthood, it keeps influencing people in all stages of life. We are being influenced by our parents, kids, partner, friends, colleagues, television, newspapers, magazines and so on. Sometimes positive, but very often in a negative way. No wonder we limit ourselves in so many ways! Belief is the key to your success. If you belief you can do something, you can. If you belief you can’t do something, you will be right too.

The good news is: we can "reprogram" our mind and replace our negative, limiting beliefs for positive contributing ones. Positive brainwashing is what I like to call it! This can be done by the use of so called "affirmations". An affirmation is a positive self talk statement, stated in the present tense that covers a goal you want to achieve and that ‘overrules’ negative beliefs towards that goal.

An example is "I easily do 10 sales calls a day". Or "I am an excellent negotiator". By stating this positive affirmation regularly during your day, you will achieve the goal you have set for yourself easier. This positive self talk helps your mind to overcome beliefs that you have about yourself, that limit your success and actions. Compare our mind with a computer: when you change the input, the output will change accordingly.

So if you have the limiting belief that you are no good in public speaking (probably because of negative experiences in the past) you can actually reprogram your mind by stating the following affirmation: " I am an excellent public speaker. I love to speak for huge audiences and people love to hear me talk". By affirming this belief over and over, you actually start to believe it and your mind will find a way to make this statement a reality. At some stage, you might decide to do a course in public speaking, or someone might ask you to speak at some kind of seminar, which forces you to work on your speaking skills. Somehow, this positive affirmation help you to reach the ‘goal’ you have set for yourself, and open doors for you that would normally would have been kept closed. And this works for virtually everything. Belief, and it will happen.

Imagine standing for a big river, with a heavy stream. You have to cross it, but you don’t think you can actually do it. Your belief is keeping you from crossing, although you physically should be able to do it easily. It just looks too hard! Then someone else comes up from behind you, and without thinking starts crossing the river and gets to the other side. His belief was positive, and he knew he could do it. The interesting thing is that this will probably influence your belief: "if he can do it, I can do it too" and you will then cross the river without any problem at all. Similar things happen when a group of people is introduced to the phenomenon of fire walking. At first a big group of people will say that there is no way they will walk on fire. Until…other people with higher beliefs go first, then all of a sudden everyone else rushes over to do it as well.

So think about YOUR beliefs, and try to discover which belief are actually holding you back from reaching your full potential in your life. Then, one by one, start eliminating these beliefs from your system. Formulate a positive affirmation that counters your negative belief, and re affirm it daily. Write them in your diary, on your bathroom mirror, next to your computer; anywhere you see it often and say the affirmation out loud as often as possible. You will be happily surprised by the results!

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Memperkenalkan Enzim Noni

Enzim Noni/Mengkudu 10ml: 1 botol - RM 40 + RM10 untuk penghantaran poslaju. Jika anda beli 5 botol anda akan dapat diskaun 25% iaitu pada harga RM150 sahaja. 5 botol - RM 150 sahaja + RM10 untuk Poslaju. masukkan ke akaun bank Nama: Khairil Anuar Bin Abdul Halim MAYBANK : XXXXXXXX (sila hubungi) CIMBBank : xxxxxxxxxx (sila hubungi)

Penyelidikan Terhadap Keberkesanan Noni

Hasil penyelidikan yang dijalankan oleh 50 doktor terhadap 10,000 pesakit, didapati NONI mempunyai peratus penyembuhan melebihi 80%. Dibawah adalah keputusan penyelidikan tersebut:

Masalah Kesihatan



Penyakit Barah



Penyakit Jantung















Darah Tinggi



Masalah Tidur



Tekanan (Stress)






Masalah Pencernaan



Masalah Pernafasan






Gangguan Fungsi Otak



Rasa Kurang Selesa



Penyakit Buah Pinggang



Cara Menggunakan Noni

  • Gunakan 2 kali sehari semasa bangun pagi dan semasa hendak tidur.
  • Jangan gosok gigi dahulu. Ubat gigi mengandungi bahan yang boleh merosakkan enzime Noni, Gosok gigi salepas menggunakan Noni
  • Terus minum segelas air suam @ air bertapis. Air liur semasa bangun pagi adalah enzime yang paling baik jika di gunakan dengan Noni adalah lebih berkesan.
  • Ambil Noni 2 titik atau lebih, titik noni DIBAWAH LIDAH.
  • Kemam atau kebam selama 3-4 minit biarkan Noni meresap melalui saluran darah dibawah lidah terus kedalam darah.
  • Telan sikit-sikit Noni sehingga habis.
  • Minum segelas air lagi.
  • Ulangi perkara yang sama semasa hendak tidur.

Perhatian: Selepas menggunakan Noni jarakkan masa 2 jam barulah boleh makan/minum kopi, nescape, teh atau sebarang ubat klinik/hospital (Jika anda sedang menggunakan ubat klinik/hospital, teruskan pengambilan seperti biasa).

Jenis Penyakit dan Tindakbalas Pemulihan

Anda mungkin mengalami tindakbalas pemulihan untuk beberapa hari.

Tindakbalas pemulihan ini adalah PROSES MEMBUANG TOKSIK-TOKSIK yang menjadi punca penyakit. Tindakbalas ini akan beransur-ansur berkurangan setelah toksik dikeluarkan.

Lihat testimoni-testimoni didalam laman ini banyak menyatakan tentang tindakbalas pemulihan, yang mana bergantung dengan tahap toksin di dalam tubuh badan orang yang mengambil NONI.

  • Tekanan darah tinggi :
    Leher terasa tegang, belakang kepala bahagian atas terasa sakit & tegang, sakit kepala (berlaku selama 2-10 hari).
  • Tekanan darah rendah :
    Tegang leher bawah, kepala terasa pening memusing.
  • Buasir :
    Berak berdarah.
  • Kencing manis :
    Paras gula meningkat dalam seminggu, tangan & kaki menjadi bengkak sedikit, keadaan akan berkurangan dalam seminggu, keadaan penyakit akan beransur-ansur pulih.
  • Sakit puan :
    Cairan putih keluar semakin banyak, haid tidak stabil.
  • Sakit sendi, sengal, pirai :
    Sendi rasa sakit, badan jadi panas.
  • Reumatisme :
    Bertambah sakit untuk beberapa lama sebelum hilang sakitnya.
  • Sakit jantung :
    Merangsang degupan jantung menjadi cepat, rasa sakit dada, muka menjadi merah selama 2-4 hari, kebas dilengan atas tangan kiri.
  • Lumpuh :
    Rasa sakit dibahagian saluran darah yang tersumbat, sakit & pening kepala.
  • Ulser :
    Seram sejuk, perut rasa pedih, berlaku cirit-birit atau sembelit.
  • Asma, penat/lelah :
    bertambah tenat selama 2-3 hari. Kadangkala muntah, keluar kahak.
  • Batu karang :
    Bertambah sakit, air kencing berkapur, kencing berdarah.
  • Jerawat:
    Jerawat keluar lebih banyak kerana keracunan yang terkumpul disingkirkan.\
  • Sakit buah pinggang/ginjal :
    Kerap buang air kecil, sakit dibahagian pinggang, muka, kaki & tangan bengkak sedikit.
  • Badan berasid tinggi :
    Selalu berasa mengantuk, badan menjadi panas, rasa dahaga, kerap kentut, air kencing berwarna perang.
  • Hepatitis A,B & C :
    Tanda-tanda akan terus berkurangan, semangat pulih kembali & semakin berselera.
  • Neurosis (sakit jiwa ringan) :
    Senang tidur selepas 2 minggu, rasa segar selepas bangun tidur, perasaan tenang.
  • Insomnia :
    (Sukar tidur malam)Di peringkat awal sakit/tegang kepala.
  • Resdung :
    Hidung menjadi semakin sebu selama 3-7 hari. Berkesan selepas 2 minggu, badan agak panas.
  • Anemia (kurang darah) :
    Keluar darah dari hidung, pening kepala.
  • Mandul:
    Keluar banyak darah haid berwarna hitam, sperma lelaki bertambah.
  • Psoriasis :
    Keluar lebih banyak.
  • Kaki busuk (hongkong foot) :
    Demam, mula berkesan selepas 1-2 bulan.
  • Sawan (penyakit tarik) :
    Menjadi bertambah teruk.
  • Kulit sensitif :
    Tidak balas menjadi semakin teruk selama seminggu. Kulit pecah-pecah & keluar air bisa, (nanah, darah kotor yang berbau busuk).
  • Luka dalaman :
    Sengal & sakit bahagian yang luka, rasa panas di bahagian yang sakit. Kadang-kadang kencing berdarah & berwarna perang.
  • Selepas pembedahan :
    Rasa sakit dibahagian yang dibedah.
  • Meroyan (selepas bersalin) :
    Mengantuk, badan rasa sakit, darah nifas keluar habis-habisan.
  • Selsema :
    Bersin & hingus akan bertambah.
  • Sembelit :
    Sakit ketika buang air besar.
  • Gastrik :
    Seram sejuk, perut pedih, berlaku cirit-birit atau sembelit.
  • Gout :
    Sendi menjadi sakit & terasa panas.
  • Sakit kuning :
    Badan lebih panas, meloya, air kencing berwarna keruh.